AMC  Founder







A sample of recent projects include the following:

HCX Magnet Cryostat -MIT and LLNL
Liquid Helium Vacuum Jacketed Piping-Cornell University
9 Tesla Superconducting Magnet System for Beam Optics Application
6 Tesla, 7ft Long Cryogen-Free Superconducting Magnet System
Open Superconducting Magnet System for MRI and Wafer Process
1.3 Tesla Vertical Magnet for Wafer Process Application
Large Bore HTS Superconducting Magnet System
Synclotron Radiational Laboratory
6T Cryogen-free Superconducting Magnet System
Special Cryostat for MLI and Foil Test
Four Quadrant DC Power Supply +15V and + 250A (or + 300 A)
Large Size DC Power Supply 30V, 3000A (Typical)
AMC Superconducting Magnet
AMC LHe or LN2 Dewar (or Cryostat)
AMC Watercooled Electromagnet





Mission Services Superconducting Magnet Application Projects Contact Us
(Advanced Magnetic and Cryogenic, LLC) 2210 N. Pewter Dr. Macungie, PA 18062
Phone: 610-349-5967, Fax to 610-398-7717