President and CEO:
Dr. Peter K. F. Hwang
Post Doc., Applied Superconductivity Center, University of
Wisconsin, Madsion, Wis.
Ph.D., Low Temperature Physics, 1976, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, Ind.
BS, Physics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Work Experience:
Dr. Peter Hwang has over 30 years of experience in the area of
superconducting magnet and cryogenic system. He has been
involved in the design, engineering, and manufacturing for many
cryogenics and superconducting magnet systems and components.
Prior to joining AMC, he was the president of ACE (Advanced
Cryogenic Equipment Inc.). He has successfully designed and
built a high field cryogen-free superconducting magnet system
for LACARA application. Presently he is a co-investigator for a
HTS open MRI magnet system for a NIH SBIR program and a
principal investigator of an insulation research project for HTS
Bi2212 wire and coil for DOE SBIR program. His work experience
includes the following:
1978-1980: Senior Research Engineer, Magnetics Corp. of America,
Waltham, Mass.
1980-1991: Senior Project Engineer, Intermagnetics General Corp. Latham,
1991-1995: Senior Principal Engineer, Gardner Cryogenic, Bethlehem, PA
1995-2002: Program Manager & Chief Engineer, Everson Electric Co.,
Bethlehem, PA
2002-2004: President, Advanced Cryogenic Equipment Inc (ACE). Emmaus, PA
President and Chief Scientist, Advanced Magnetic and Cryogenic,
LLC (AMC), Macungie, PA
“Cryostat with Low-Emisssivity
Foil and Multilayer Insulation”, Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering, p. 1343, Volume 51B, 2006 (Coauther)
“A Cryogen-Free
Superconducting Magnet System for LACARA Application", Presented
at 2004 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville,
Florida, October, 2004 (Paper # 3LG03).
“The Primary Target
Facility for a Neutrino Factory Based on Muon Beams”, Brookhaven
National Laboratory Report, # BNL-68736, Cap-326-NuFact-01C
“Design, Fabrication
and Test of HTS LDX-L Coil”, Presented at 2002 Applied
Superconductivity Conference, Houston, Texas, August, 2002
Countermeasures Model HTS Magnet”, Presented at 2002 Applied
Superconductivity Conference, Houston, Texas, August, 2002.
“Design, Fabrication
and Testing of a Superconducting Magnet System with 50 Degree
Tilt Magnet for an Electron Cooling Experiment”, Proceeding of
Fifteenth International Conference on Magnet Technology, Part
One, p. 914, 1997, Beijing, China. (1st Author)
“Fabrication of a
Model Coil and Vacuum Impregnation of Epoxy for the Outer Coil
for a 45 Tesla Hybrid Magnet System”, Proceeding of Fifteenth
International Conference on Magnet Technology, Part One, p. 668,
1997, Beijing, China. (1st Author)
“Design, Fabrication
and Testing of a Production Line for TPX Demonstration
Conductors”, Presented at 1996 Applied Superconductivity
Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 25-30, 1996.
“20T Model Coil for
a Very High Field NMR Spectrometer Magnet”, Presented at 1991
Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, June
11-14, 1991. (Coauthor)
“A 12 Tesla MFNb3Sn
Magnet System”, Presented at MT-10, MIT, Boston, Mass. Aug. 21-
25, 1987. (Coauthor)
“Total Cryogen
Recondensation for Mobile MRI System”, 6th Cryogenics
Intersociety Symposium, AICHE Symposium Series No. 251, Vol. 82,
p. 194, 1986. (Coauthor)
Operating Experience on Whole Body MRI Magnet System”, Advances
in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 31 p. 525, 1986. (Coauthor)
“Design, Testing and
Initial Experience of Cryostats for Mobile MR Imaging Systems”,
Presented at 1986 Cryogenics Engineering Conference at MIT,
Boston, Mass. Aug. 1986. (Coauthor)
“An 8T Variable Gap
Split Pair Solenoid for High Current Short Sample Tests”, IEEE
Transactions on Magnet, Vol. Mag. 17, No. 1, January 1981.
Hwang and R.J.
Camile, Jr. “Design, Fabrication and Testing of Superconducting
Solenoid Systems for High Energy Beam Applications”, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics, Volume Mag. 17, No. 1, p. 182,
January 1981.
Hwang and D.C.
Larbalestier, “The Effect of Thermal Treatments on the Critical
Current Density of Various Commercial NbTi Filamentary
Superconductors”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. Mag. 15,
No. 1, p. 400, January, 1979.
Hwang, “Dielectric
Breakdown of Liquid and Vapor Helium in Bulk and across Epoxy
Insulation”, Proceedings of 7th Symposium of Engineering
Problems of Fusion Research, Volume 2, p. 1531, 1977.
Hwang, “Dielectric
Strength of Helium Vapor and the Temperature between 1.4 and
4.2K”, Advances in Cryogenics Engineering, Vol. 23, p. 110,
Hwang and B.M.
Khorana, “Lambda Transition of Liquid Helium as Thermometric
Fixed Point”, Metrologia, Volume 12, no. 2, April 1976.
Hwang and B.M. Khorana, “Vapor
Pressure of Liquid Helium at the Lambda Point”, Proc. 14th
International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Volume 4,
p. 72, North Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam, Holland 1975.
One US Patent Related to Cryogenic and Superconducting Magnet